a sentimental introduction

Welcoming and introducing you to the Sentimental Hummingbird's creative home that blends artistic expression with self discovery, mental health awareness, and lifestyle.

Thank you for being here ♡

At a foundational level, my goals with this project are to encourage:

1. creativity & self expression

2. mindfulness

3. spiritual, emotional & mental exploration

4. an artistic lifestyle

5. community & connection

a creative home; 2025

Here at the Sentimental Hummingbird, we aim to inspire others to find artistry in their everyday lives as a way to embrace their highest selves. We aim to appreciate the seemingly mundane by identifying the artistic nature that occurs all around us, all of the time. We’ll find that by tuning into our creativity within and without, we can be set free from the limitations we often place onto ourselves.

Everyone should strive to align with their highest selves. When we’re connected with that or rather with “them”, we become better people and we make a better world. I believe that we can access the ability to gain that power and self love through creativity.

Creativity is extremely important to human beings. I believe in how natural it is; how it maintains woven within the human condition. A lot of us, however, just become lost on the path of life and lose touch with it.

The Sentimental Hummingbird is here to remind you that you can get back to that creativity anytime you’d like. It can benefit us all.

Now you may be thinking: “But, I’m not creative. I’m not an artist.”

Let’s shift that mindset. What if I told you that you could be an artist today without picking up a paintbrush, an instrument, or a pen & paper? You don’t have to be a singer, a painter, you don’t have to be a poet. You can be the artist of your own life! Think about it. Your biggest dreams are closer to your reality than you may realize. Reconnect with the creative energy that already exists within you so that you can take the action steps necessary to align with your highest self.

Although I believe creative activities such as painting, music, & poetry to be so powerful in the realm of artistry, you can do things outside of that in everyday life that can translate the same vibe! Your morning routine can be YOUR art. Your drive to work can be YOUR art. Your cooking prep can be YOUR art. Look deeper, broaden your perspective and keep embracing things in life that move you and then, flow with them. Following that flow, you’ll be right where you need to be.

Regardless of the label, to discover and uncover the artistic nature that exists within ourselves and our lives is a core component to this project. Aiming to find a meaning to life therefore gives life to that meaning. Through this, I believe we’re able to find self compassion and connection. We then can transmit that outwardly towards other people in our lives and in our environments and ultimately just live a happier more peaceful life.

a creative home; 2025

I’d also like to mention that the Sentimental Hummingbird commissions are open and you can submit a custom art request form!

And don’t forget to subscribe to the official Sentimental Hummingbird YouTube channel and watch the very first video!

Thank you for reading.

Overall, check out the website as a whole. These ideas have been living in my head for a few years now, only to come out in snippets, but the vision is coming to fruition now.

There’s so much more to come and I’m excited for the journey that’s starting and I hope you stick around & stay tuned! 🏠🫀


handmade with love